Wednesday 24 February 2021

Generating Usage Statistics from a SSAS Tabular Cube

Once you have users accessing your cube it’s almost inevitable at some point that someone will ask you to generate usage statistics from it, and there are a number of methods to achieve this. In this quick blog post, I’ll detail them and my experiences with each, and then use this data to create a PBI report.


Native Tabular Properties

The first method is natively through the tabular cube properties. This also has the added bonus (read impact) that it will optimise future aggregations based on usage – in fact that’s its main purpose.

This can be done by setting the CreateQueryLogTable to true, setting up the QueryLogConnectionString (to point to the DB where the usage table requires hosting), setting the QueryLogSamping rate (10 means every 10th query will be logged), and finally the name of the QueryLog table.

SQL Server Analysis Services Query Log Related Properties

Advantages of this method is that its very easy to setup with limited knowledge required and it could potentially improve performance if you have an environment where users submit repetitive queries. Unfortunately there are also a number of disadvantages which led me to find other methods. Firstly, it creates a degree of overhead on the cube if its sampling too often; we actually had visible performance related complaints once we turned it on – either through the sampling or change to the “optimised” aggregations. Depending on the sampling rate, you could also find that users who rarely use the cube are not picked up as part of the stats.  As well as this any changes to the cube structure will cause the logging table to be reset. The table is also limited in terms of what it actually logs (as you can see below) – useful if you just want just the user and timestamp info but not much else, and no real ability to configure.

Query the OlapQueryLog table for Cube activity


AS Trace

To that extent, I looked for other tools to do the same task but better and I found AS Trace.

Originally built for SQL Server 2012, it works fine on 2014 – and provides you the ability to run a trace against the cube activities (and log to a table) exactly like the SQL profiler but without the overhead of the GUI which adds unnecessary memory/processor power. It also runs as a windows service allowing it to restart automatically when the server reboots. If this is the case, the tool also logs the existing data to a History table and truncates the logging table. Exactly what I was after.

The tool collects information based on a preconfigured Analysis Services Profiler template, which can be optimised depending on which events you are interested in. I initially ran it using most events selected, and with a limited user set it was generating in the region of 25,000 rows a day. This was clearly not maintainable for a long period of time. I then used the following blog post to understand what each event of the profiler was giving me and then just created a lightweight trace definition file to give me what I wanted. I limited it to Query Begin, Query End (for DAX/MDX statements) and Audit Logon/Logout (for session data).

The setup is very straight forward, just run the install.bat as an escalated privileged account, and check it installs the service correctly. Next, add your SSAS service account to the Logon of the service, make sure the account has “Log on as Service” and membership to the database you are writing to in the form of DDL and DML access, i.e. able to create tables, write to tables – and lastly admin rights to the instance of SSAS you intend to use.

Next, configure the ASTrace.exe.config file with the parameters you want the tool to use. This includes the location of the cube (can handle multiple cubes), the location of the trace definition file, the location of the DB instance and table you want to log to and lastly whether you want to preserve history on restart. The only thing I couldn’t do here, is set the schema of the table it was using to log to, which defaults to dbo.

All that’s left is to start the service, and check the log file to see if it has created any errors on start-up. If not, the table should be created correctly and awaiting input.

I also saw another method while researching using Extended Events (XEvents) but did not implement this once AS Trace provided me with the information I needed.


View / Power BI Report

I initially used the data to run a limited set of queries to extract total users, and total queries for a given time period. This was useful to a degree but from the data collected I realised I could be doing so much more.

This lead me to do some analysis across the type of metrics being logged, and allowed me to create a view on top of the tables of what I thought might be useful on a report. I removed all the redundant columns it was tracking, and created some friendly names for the EventSubclass, and other columns. I used the PATINDEX function to check the query statement for existence of some important values – while not an exact science, it would give me a good picture of the split between certain user groups and KPIs being run. I’ve included the view definition below.

I ended up limiting the data to EventClass 10 as this seemed to capture all the necessary data. The only downside I have seen so far is that users querying through the Power BI web service are anonymised under the service account name. I’m currently looking into options to resolve this which I’ve seen as configuration options on Power BI – to allow through the username as long as it can be matched at the other end.

RowNumber AS ID, 
SPID AS SessionID,
CurrentTime AS DateQueried, 
NTUserName AS Username,
CASE EventSubClass 
WHEN 0 THEN 'MDX Query (Excel)' 
WHEN 3 THEN 'DAX Query (Power BI)' 
END AS QueryType, 
CASE Success WHEN 1 THEN 'Successful Query' ELSE 'Query Error' END AS SuccessfulQuery,
CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2),CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,3),Duration)/1000) AS DurationSec, 
TextData AS Query, 
CASE PATINDEX('%Mexico%',TextData) WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS MexicoMarket,
CASE PATINDEX('%Colombia%',TextData) WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS ColombiaMarket,
EventClass = 10

Once I had the view, creating the report was relatively straight forward, and can be seen below.

I included metrics for number of queries by user (blurred out) which also doubled as a filter, the % split of queries for things such as Excel/Power BI, a measure of queries by timeframe, a logarithmic scaled display for queries by query duration, and lastly a split of queries by KPI. I intend to tweak these once I receive more data from the trace, but was relatively happy with the information that they were providing.

Untitled (002)

Please let me know if you have any comments.

Friday 12 February 2021

How to Encrypt and Restore Your SQL Server Database Backups

 We’ve had backup encryption out of the box since SQL Server 2014, yet I’ve rarely seen it used. In an age where we’re moving more and more things to the cloud including those backup files, backup encryption is becoming more and more necessary. Sure we have transport encryption and your cloud provider of choice most probably has an option for data at rest encryption but why leave any room for error? If you encrypt your backups on site before they leave you remove any margin of chance for potentially un-encrypted backups being stored somewhere.

One thing I have found is the documentation around this is a little bit disjointed and scattered over several different topics. This post is going to demo a full end to end solution of encrypting a backup on your source server and restoring it on your destination server along with some of the issues you may face on the way…

If you want to follow along you’ll need two different instances of SQL Server, I’m using SQL Server 2017 but the below should work on anything from 2014 onwards…

Source Server

On our source server, let’s create a new sample database with a couple of rows of data to test with…

CREATE DATABASE BackupEncryptionDemo
CREATE TABLE BackupEncryptionDemo.dbo.Test(Id INT IDENTITY, Blah NVARCHAR(10))
INSERT INTO BackupEncryptionDemo.dbo.Test(Blah) VALUES('Testing')
INSERT INTO BackupEncryptionDemo.dbo.Test(Blah) VALUES('Testing2')

In order to encrypt a backup of this database we need either a certificate or an asymmetric key, I’m going to be using Certificates for the sake of this demo. When you create a certificate SQL Server encrypts it with a MASTER KEY before it gets stored so we’ll first need to create one of those…

USE master

This key is then used to encrypt our certificate for storage…

CREATE CERTIFICATE SuperSafeBackupCertificate 
WITH SUBJECT ='Backup Encryption Certificate For Database1 and Database2'

Armed with our SuperSafe certificate we can now backup a database with encryption…

BACKUP DATABASE BackupEncryptionDemo 
   TO DISK = 'C:\keys\DatabaseBackup.bak'
      ALGORITHM = AES_256, 
      SERVER CERTIFICATE = SuperSafeBackupCertificate
Backup Warning

Notice the helpful warning reminding us that we’ve not backed up our certificate. I cannot stress how important this is! If we lose that certificate then we won’t be able to restore any of our backups. The below TSQL will backup the certificate and a private key for its encryption, both of these files need to be put in a safe place where they will not be lost. The combination of these files and the password specified is all that’s needed to decrypt our backups so they need to be kept safe and in a real-world scenario should not be kept in the same place as the database backups…

BACKUP CERTIFICATE SuperSafeBackupCertificate 
   TO FILE = 'C:\keys\SuperSafeBackupCertificate.cer'
      ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD ='(PasswordToEncryptPrivateKey123)'

If we then run another backup there will be no warnings…

BACKUP DATABASE BackupEncryptionDemo 
   TO DISK = 'C:\keys\DatabaseBackup2.bak'
      ALGORITHM = AES_256, 
      SERVER CERTIFICATE = SuperSafeBackupCertificate

Now on to our first gotcha! If you run the above backup a second time you’ll get the following error…

Backup Error

Encrypted backups cannot append existing media sets like non-encrypted backups can, so you’ll need to write each one to a new set by specifying a different filename.

Destination Server

Now we have our encrypted backup, let’s try to restore it on our second server…

RESTORE DATABASE BackupEncryptionDemo 
   FROM DISK = N'C:\Keys\DatabaseBackup.bak' 
      MOVE N'BackupEncryptionDemo' TO N'D:\Data\EncryptionDemo.mdf', 
      MOVE N'BackupEncryptionDemo_log' TO N'D:\Data\EncryptionDemo_log.ldf'
Restore Error

We can’t restore it because it was encrypted with a certificate that we don’t yet have on this server and without this certificate the backup can’t be decrypted.

As before we can’t store any certificates without a master key so let’s get that created…

CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '(DestinationMasterKeyEncryptionPassword1234)'

Now lets see if we can restore that certificate backup we made on our new server…

CREATE CERTIFICATE SuperSafeBackupCertificate 
   FROM FILE = 'C:\Keys\SuperSafeBackupCertificate.cer'

At this point, depending on your credentials there is a good chance you will see an error similar to this…

Permission Error

This is because the NTFS permissions SQL Server put on the certificate and private key backup don’t give access to the service account your destination server is running under. To fix this open a Command Prompt window as Administrator and run the following command, replacing the username (MSSQLSERVER) with the account your server is running under and point it at the directory the backup keys are stored in…

icacls c:\Keys /grant MSSQLSERVER:(GR) /T

This will have now granted our SQL Server account read access to these files so let’s try restoring that certificate again…

CREATE CERTIFICATE SuperSafeBackupCertificate 
   FROM FILE = 'C:\Keys\SuperSafeBackupCertificate.cer'

That time it should go through with no error, so we now have our certificate and master key all setup, Let’s try restoring that backup again…

RESTORE DATABASE BackupEncryptionDemo 
   FROM DISK = N'C:\Keys\DatabaseBackup.bak' 
      MOVE N'BackupEncryptionDemo' TO N'D:\Data\EncryptionDemo.mdf', 
      MOVE N'BackupEncryptionDemo_log' TO N'D:\Data\EncryptionDemo_log.ldf'
Corrupt Key

Still no luck, the restore failed because the keys we restored are corrupt. This is because when we restored the certificate we didn’t specify our private key and password file to decrypt it, let’s drop the certificate we restored and try again…

DROP CERTIFICATE SuperSafeBackupCertificate

CREATE CERTIFICATE SuperSafeBackupCertificate 
   FROM FILE = 'C:\Keys\SuperSafeBackupCertificate.cer'
      FILE ='C:\Keys\SuperSAfeBackupCertificate.ppk', 
Invalid Password

Oops, we specified our password as ‘test’ when actually the password we specified when we backed up the private key was ‘(PasswordToEncryptPrivateKey123)’. We’re getting close now…

CREATE CERTIFICATE SuperSafeBackupCertificate 
   FROM FILE = 'C:\Keys\SuperSafeBackupCertificate.cer'
      FILE ='C:\Keys\SuperSAfeBackupCertificate.ppk', 
      DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD='(PasswordToEncryptPrivateKey123)'

We’ve now successfully restored our certificate, let’s try that database restore one last time!

RESTORE DATABASE BackupEncryptionDemo 
   FROM DISK = N'C:\Keys\DatabaseBackup.bak' 
      MOVE N'BackupEncryptionDemo' TO N'D:\Data\EncryptionDemo.mdf', 
      MOVE N'BackupEncryptionDemo_log' TO N'D:\Data\EncryptionDemo_log.ldf'
Successful Restore


As one final check let’s query our only table

SELECT * FROM BackupEncryptionDemo.dbo.Test
Rows Restored

Saturday 28 December 2019

SSAS Processing Error: Unicode string issue during dimension processing

SSAS and the database engine use different comparison rules depending on the collation, character sets, and handling of blanks in the middle or at the end of a string. This becomes an issue during SSAS processing when key values used to establish attribute relationships must be an exact match. Sometimes, what passes as a ‘match’ in the database engine is seen by SSAS as a non-matching value, resulting in processing errors that can be a challenge to track down if the value happens to be a blank! This article describes the problem in more detail and provides various workarounds.

Actual error (with placeholder values)

Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The attribute key cannot be found when processing: Table: 'MyDimTable', Column: 'Column1', Value: 'alzイ'. The attribute is 'Column1'.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The attribute key was converted to an unknown member because the attribute key was not found. Attribute MyDimTableKey of Dimension: MyDimTable from Database: MyDB, Record: 3.
Notice the Unicode value, where the blank terminator is from a Japanese character set. If you get the “attribute key cannot be found” error and the value contain a Unicode blank in the middle or end of the string, you are most likely seeing the effects of these different comparison rules.


The problem arises when Analysis Services uses different comparison rules when processing attribute relationships.
By default, the relational database engine uses a width-insensitive collation, such that the following strings are interpreted as equivalent values:
  • string1+<double-byte-blank>+string2
  • string1+<single-byte-blank>+string2
Notice the first member has a double-byte space/blank and the second member has a single-byte space/blank, at the same position in the member name.
If these strings were used as keys to relate rows from different tables, the database engine would recognize these strings as the same value and create the relationship accordingly.
Now suppose that you are processing an Analysis Services database that uses these strings as KeyColumns in an attribute relationship. Unlike the database engine (set to width-insensitive collation), SSAS will interpret these as different strings, generating an error that a matching record cannot be found, and possibly registering one or more of the values as the unknown member.
The attribute key cannot be found because to SSAS, string1+<double-byte-blank>+string2 is not the same as string1+<single-byte-blank>+string2, and therefore fails to meet the criteria used to establish an attribute relationship.


If this behavior is acceptable, then you should do nothing.
However, if want to SSAS to exhibit the same behaviors as the relational database engine, you can use one of the following workarounds:
  • Set ProcessingGroup to ByTable (instead of the default, ByAttribute). This setting is specified in Dimension Designer, in SQL Server Data Tools, on the dimension definition.
  • Set server configuration property | Language/Collation, to be width-sensitive and the dimension definition to be width-sensitive. You can set this in Management Studio, in server properties.
By using either workaround, each string in our example, (string1+<double-byte-blank>+string2 and string1+<single-byte-blank>+string2) would each be considered a viable match for the other (in terms of an attribute relationship), allowing processing to succeed.
Alternatively, you can address the issue in the relational database by changing double-byte spaces to single-byte spaces. See Server-Side Programming with Unicode  . For information about the T-SQL REPLACE function, see 


Width-insensitive is the default collation for the SQL Server relational engine, so if you are working with global data, you are more likely to run into this issue when processing an Analysis Services database.
DBCS is a double-byte character set. A blank character in DBCS is Unicode 12288 (hex 3000). SBCS is a single-byte character set. A blank character in SBCS is 32. Width-sensitivity on the collation will determine whether these are interpreted as the same or different values, for strings having a trailing blank.

Azure AzCopy Command in Action

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